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About these pages - mainly for adults

When I retired, after twenty five years as a science teacher, I started doing voluntary work at a local junior school. I had assumed that the school would want me to help with science, but once the staff discovered my passion for Ancient Egypt they asked me to help with that. For the past eight years I have been taking small groups of children for about an hour at a time, following a curiosity-led approach, that is, answering the questions the children themselves actually ask rather than providing them with the sort of information that adults think that they ought to be given.

This is enormously exciting and leads us into all sorts of areas not usually covered at school. Sometimes the questions asked by the children in one group may lead to a quite deep discussion on a single topic, and then I may prepare a single sheet of A4 on the subject for these children, and put an extended version onto my web site.

During the lesson they will have handled lots of artifacts and I shall have shown them lots of pictures and maps etc. from books that I own, so the sheets I give them do not usually themselves contain any pictures, although my web pages usually contain pictures and also often contain links to other sites with pictures.

© Barry Gray September 2005
