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Your Pocket Scientific Calculator
The Verify key

The VERIFY key allows you to verify whether a statement is TRUE or FALSE. It only works if you are in VERIFY mode.

To enter VERIFY mode press MODE then select 4 for VERIFY, and to cancel it press MODE and then 1 for COMP. When you switch to VERIFY mode TRUE/FALSE is displayed.

To verify 5>4 you would press 5 then the VERIFY key (press SHIFT first of course). Now you select 3 for greater than (the numbers and what they stand for appear in the display when you press VERIFY, you do not have to remember them) and then 4 and when you press = you get the answer TRUE.

Usually of course the statement to be verified will not be this simple.

Verification is a very important mathematical process, and is widely used by mathematicians, scientists, business people, accountants, statisticians etc. But I cannot really say anything else about the VERIFY function on your pocket calculator because the sorts of problems I would use verification for in real life are not the sort of problems I would tackle with a pocket calculator. If you have ever found it useful on a pocket calculator please e-mail me with the details, and (with your permission) I will include them as an example of the way VERIFY might be useful, and of course apologise for saying it is useless.


© Barry Gray August 2016